Sorry for double posting but this is about the Hidden Boss in Chapter 1.
Well, I don't think it's impossible but it is if the only level you're in is 12 or something with only 2 characters as well. I only got at least halfway killing it lolz.
Well in the abandoned Building (Dynamo's Hideout) I went down and In the front door. And when I finished all of the extra missions and the training simulator, I only got to level 12. I'm trying to level up more with the 3rd Course in the Simulator. I think it's gonna take at least level 15 or so depending on how I grow my characters.
Hey Duuude. If you'd like some more sprites or even animate some of the sprites you're currently using, I could might as hell give it a try. heck I'm only good at animating Sprites lolz.
If you want a sample I guess I could treat you with one because I'd sure love to help you in this.